A Nigerian lady identified as Ibiene Bato Martha Williams took to Facebook to claimed that God hates anal and ora’l s1x.
According to her, the Holy Spirt ministered to her that married couples have been erring too when they have s*x, as she deliberated on s*xual purity for singles.

she wrote:
“On Ora’l and Anal S*x
Romans, chapter 1:24,26,27,28
Yesterday we spent our time justifying the un-justifiable as I laid on my bed reading and taking the notes as the Spirit of God ministered to me.
First, let’s go back to primary school. The mouth is an organ of speech. The mouth is for eating. The tongue is for taste. The anu3 is for excretion.
Someone asked why I feel Jesus would be watching while a husband and wife copulates and the answer is because His Eyes Is Over Everything And Everyone.
While I was on the message for s*xual purity for singles, the Holy Spirit made it clear to me that even the married have been erring in purity too.
Whether we agree or yes, ora’l s*x and anal s1x are against nature. The anu3 and the mouth are not s1xual organs. You will argue over it because you’ve not allowed the Holy Spirit to tutor you on s3xual purity.
God was not stupid when he made the pen1s and the vag1na in us. Whatever form of s3xual pleasure that you seek using your tongue on a woman’s vag1na(as a man) and your tongue on a man p3nis(as a woman) is sin.
It goes the same way for anal s3x.
You feel comfortable doing them because you’re yet to let the Holy Spirit tutor you.
Anal and oral s*x are acts of s3xual deviance.
You know what you’re doing is wrong when you start trying so hard to make a case in favor of it – just as the case was made by majority of us in favor of oral s3x.
You’re against anal s3x not because it’s scriptural but because it’s painful, right? So, since oral s3x doesn’t come with any pain we’re good to go – that is an argument only a carnal minded Christian would come up with.
I’ll end this post with this:
You didn’t learn oral s3x and ana1 s3x from the Bible because you didn’t allow the Holy Spirit teach you on those scriptures above.
You don’t put food in your ears, you pass it through your mouth. Why didn’t you argue that they are both body opening?
The tongue is not meant to give you s3xual pleasure, it’s meant for taste. The mouth is for speech and for eating. The anus of for excretion.
Galatian 5:16 until we walk in the Spirit, we will keep justifying things that the Holy Spirit is against.”