This is the true story how a randy lecturer in the English Department of Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State Mr. Isiaq Yusuf was caught n*ked trying to have s*x with a student.
The true story how a randy lecturer in the English Department of Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State Mr. Isiaq Yusuf was caught stark n*ked in one of his female students’ apartment, while allegedly trying to have s*x with her has been revealed in this exclusive investigation by Daily Sun.
Not too long after the incident, both the story and photo of the man popularly called I.G. Yusuf on the campus, went viral on social media. Newspaper report said that the 400 level student, together with her fiancé and his friend, had set a trap for the randy lecturer which he unwittingly fell into before suddenly realizing his mistake. They not only took his nude photos, but subsequently humiliated him by forcing him to mop the floor of the living room and wash the apartment toilet. They also forced him to sign an undertaking, now in the possession of the panel set up by the university to look into the case.

The lecturer had reportedly insisted on sleeping with the final year student so she could pass ENG 201 titled, “History of English Language in Nigeria” which exam is usually taken in the first semester.
The decision to invite the lecturer over 
Mercy Samuel, the student involved was said to have become frustrated after failing the course consecutively and fearing that the lecturer, who had been mounting pressure on her to sleep with him before she could pass the course, could fail her again thereby extending her year of study, decided to express her fears to her fiancé said to be living in Abuja. Together, he and his friend planned the sting operation that is capable of tarnishing the good image of IBBU outside its campus confines, if it is not properly and transparently handled.
They reportedly told her to invite Mr. Yusuf over to come and do what he had been demanding from her. According to reports, as the lecturer removed his clothes, ready to sleep with her, her fiancé’s friend who had been hiding in the toilet, suddenly came out, to the utter consternation and discomposure of Yusuf.
The lecturer’s side of the scandalous story
But in a swift reaction the lecturer denied the allegation of his attempted move to have s ex with the student and rather accused her of conniving with some men who he suspect to be students of the academic institute to kidnap him on his way home around 10pm last Tuesday. He further accused them of forcing him to remove his clothes all because he had earlier in the day caught them and the student cheating in a test set on another course being taught by his colleague.
The colleague, he said, had asked him to help with invigilating the test. “I saw them and warned the boy. He just smiled instead of heeding my warning and continued. I asked him to forward his paper if he had finished and he reluctantly forwarded it to me. The rule of test is that if you are found cheating, we will tear your paper. I wrote on his paper ‘found cheating’. I tore the paper and threw it into a dustbin.
“Later in the evening, I began to receive calls from this girl, asking me to see her. She said the boy whose paper I tore had not let her have peace and that he wanted to see me so that the lecturer could consider him for a make-up (test). I told her she should let us meet the next day.
“On my way home, as I reached a junction leading to her house, I saw her standing by the roadside with some men. As soon as she entered my car, the men also entered from behind and pressed a metal on my back. So, I drove until they got to the house.
“As soon as I got into the room, they removed my clothes and poured water on me. They demanded N2m ransom from me. I have been traumatised. Presently, I have been suspended and will appear before a panel.”
Mercy Samuel
Punching holes in the lecturer’s story
Lies, all lies, says Mercy the female student at the centre of the s ex scandal. Narrating her experience with the lecturer who she described as “a pain on her neck” since her 100 level days, she disclosed that the lecturer has frustrated her life in so many ways but she decided to keep quiet because of the fear of being victimized.
She explained that in her 100 level, the lecturer failed her in a course and when she wrote the carry-over under a different lecturer she got B, adding that at 300 level the lecturer failed her again in English 311 and 312, in first and second semesters exams, respectively.
“Since my 100 level days, he keeps telling me that I am a very beautiful girl, and I don’t like it when my lecturers say that because I know that something else will follow. Now see the mess this man has put me into.”
Mercy who hails from Abia State, said when the pressure and s exual harassment became unbearable for her she decided to bring her fiancé into the picture. “My traditional marriage is fixed for March 26 and my white wedding for April 29 and I don’t want anything to affect my marriage,” she told The Sun Education. “That is the reason I decided to let my fiancé know about it, that the man has not stopped the harassment. And he advised me not to follow him to anywhere but rather I should ask him to come and meet me in my apartment.”
She revealed that after her text on English 409 (Pragmatics) on Tuesday last week which the lecturer helped his colleague to invigilate, he whispered into her ear that he wanted to see her. She obliged, based on the advice of her fiancé, a 2015 mathematics graduate of the university. In the course of their discussion, the lady insisted on having his much-desired s exual rendezvous take place in her apartment rather than somewhere else. The randy lecturer allegedly agreed.
Sequence of events on the night of shame
Mercy said on the agreed date Yusuf drove to her Mutana lodge, a seven-room private apartment located outside the campus and occupied by students, in a green colour car whose make she cannot remember.
“He drove himself to my lodge in the car around 9pm and parked it outside the apartment and came in. We got talking and he told me that the reason I always failed his courses is because I have refused to go out with him. He said if I agreed to have s ex with him, I would pass all his courses. I decided to play along with him and in the process he had a hard-on and hurriedly removed his clothes. He wore blue jeans, red-checkered shorts, a white singlet and a short sleeve shirt.
“We were in bed together and he was ready for action when my fiancé’s friend whom he had contacted to help him expose the lecturer, suddenly broke into the room from inside the rest room and started snapping away at his nude figure. He was startled and started pleading, asking him to stop it while at the same time trying to shield his nakedness. In fact, the commotion created by the scene was such that it attracted the attention of other students who came around to know what was happening.”
“He pleaded that we should not make it public and that I will pass all my courses and he will never have anything to do with me again. We asked him to write an undertaking that he will not harass me again. He agreed and wrote the undertaking which I gave to the panel when I appeared before it. In a bid to hurry out of the scene he forgot his phones, ATM cards and white singlet. We have since handed them over to the Force Headquarters, Abuja, to aid their investigation into the matter.”
Mercy told The Sun Education that before this incident she had earlier reported the lecturer’s amorous advances towards her to another lecturer, one Dr. Ogungbe, stressing that the man in his 50s and still a bachelor, is in the habit of wanting to sleep with every girl on the campus.
Why Mercy is afraid
Since the incident and since the story broke out both in the newspapers and social media, Mercy said she has been in hiding because her life is under threat. She has continued to receive strange phone calls and text messages from strange phone numbers with callers threatening to deal with her over her decision to set up the lecturer.
“Immediately I started receiving these phone calls and messages, I decided to relocate from my house because anything can happen,” she said. “I fear for my life right now because of the calls I am receiving. My life is in danger. They want to kill me. I am no longer safe since I exposed this man.”
Not only that. Following her scary encounter with the panel set up by the university to look into the case, she also doesn’t seem to have the confidence that justice will be done at the end of the day.
“They didn’t even allow me to talk or explain what transpired before they started bombarding me with questions,” she lamented. “It took the intervention of the only female member of the panel who insisted that the panel must hear from me first before they stopped harassing me with questions.
“When I tried to show them the text messages that I exchanged with the lecturer, they told me that they cannot rely on them because they could have been cooked-up by anybody. I already suspect foul play because they are trying to turn the whole story upside down by saying that I am a cultist and that I arranged with my fellow cultists to have the lecturer kidnapped. It is all lies and an attempt to bury the truth. God Almighty knows that I am not a cultist.”
Student not a cultist – SUG President
When contacted, the Students Union Government (SUG), President, Comrade Ahmed .S. Paiko said that he has no record of Mercy being involved in cultism or any other vices in the school “aside that she is a very sociable girl.”
He, however, said that the student has never brought any complaint of s exual harassment by the lecturer to him or to any SUG official, adding that it is normal for students to fail courses not necessarily because of victimization.
The nine-man committee set up to investigate the matter and report back within one week include the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics), Prof. S.K. Swanya as chairman the ASUU Chairman of the University, Student Union Government (SUG) President, Comrade Ahmed S. Paiko, Director, Academic Planning, Dr. M. Paiko, the Chief Security Officer, Retired Major M.T. Kudu, Dean, Students Affairs, Dr. I.A. Ma’ali and the academic secretary, Mohammed Musa Mahmud.
Justice, at IBBU, is a two-edge sword that can cut either way: its disciplinary codes show that if the lecturer is found guilty of the allegations he could be fired. But if, on the other hand, the student is found to be guilty of false allegations, she could be rusticated. The nation is anxiously waiting to see which way the wheel of justice will turn in this sensational case.