A construction worker in China has miraculously survived after a steel rod speared through his head when he was at work. The 41-year-old man was impaled last month by the metal stick, which measured five feet (1.5 metres) in length and 1.2 inches (three centimetres) in diametre.
Doctors from Chongqing managed to remove the rod and saved the man after a four-hour-long surgical operation.
According to reports, the accident occurred in Chongqing on February 27 when the worker, known as Wang Long (not his real name), tried to loosen up a concrete slab during work. He was taken to the city’s Southwest Hospital immediately.

Liu Minghua, the assistant chief at the Accidents and Emergency Department, called his team to plan an operation. However, they failed to give Wang a CT scan as the steel rod was too long to pass through the machine.
The doctors decided to call the fire department and ask the firefighters to cut the rod so that the patient could undergo the scan. Apparently, it took a bit of an effort for the firefighters to shorten the rod.
Then the doctors suggested the firefighters get an acetylene cutting torch. The firefighters feared the metal could heat up too quickly and end up hurting Wang’s neck.
To resolve the issue, medical workers used ice packs and ice water to cool down the rod as the others cut it down. The rod was eventually shortened to 21 inches.
They also had to tilt and hold his head midair to enable proper breahing until the surgery was over.
Wang has passed the critical stage and the man is now in recovery, said the report.