Confusion gripped residents of Isheri/Idimu Lagos on Monday after the community received strange letters from unknown persons believed to be armed robbers.
In the letters, the suspected armed robbers, who described themselves as ‘Big Brothers,’ said they would soon visit the community.
The residents said that they woke up Monday morning to see the letters pasted at different areas in the community.
The letters told them to expect a visit soon. The letters, typed in capital letters, were pasted on walls of the entrance into Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) close. The streets, which make up the community include, CAC Close, Adebola, Ifelodun, Adeloya and Fagbohunlu.
The letters threw the community into panic. Before that Monday, the community, especially Adebola and Ifelodun streets, had been experiencing pockets of breaking and entering.
The thieves often target generators, jewelry, plasma televisions, among others valuables. Some members of the community have often attributed the breaking and entering to youngsters who reside at Car Wash Police Barracks.
These youth also sell and smoke Indian hemp. The letter reads:
“This is to notify you residents/business owners of this arena to be aware of the impending visitation of the big brothers at any time from now. Thanks.”
However, some residents wondered why the community, which is located close to Area M, Idimu Police Command and Car Wash Police Barracks, would be taunted with such letters.  

A Police Children School is also located in the community. A member of the community, Miss. Anurika Onyemelam, said she was impressed with police response to the issue.