An eighteen year old Lesbian lady has been left stunned after a male entrepreneur, whom she contacted for career advice had a rather inappropriate conversation with her.
Lydia Jones from the north of England had initially messaged the businessman on Facebook to enquire if he knew anyone in London who could act as a mentor for her, after seeing his posts on a group for entrepreneurs.
He replied her, but later on, the conversation took a different turn and left Lydia in awe after the entrepreneur asked her age, before questioning her about her sexuality after she told him she’s gay.
Taking to Twitter to share the conversation, Lydia wrote:
‘So I professionally asked for help and it ended this way. This tech scene needs to wake up.’
In her initial message to the entrepreneur, she wrote:
‘I’m contacting as I thought you’d be someone who would potentially know some startup advisors/ mentors in London?’
During the conversation, he asked ‘How young are you?‘ and ‘Are you single?’ to which Lydia replied that she’s gay and then the businessman went on to ask: ‘So men don’t turn you on at all?
The man whose identity wasn’t revealed admitted he asked about her s*xuality and defended his comments to Mashable, saying: ‘In the end, I didn’t say much else because I found out that it wasn’t appropriate to ask her even though she said she was open.’
See the screenshot of their conversation below:  na

Man Questions Lesbian's Sexuality