A woman has begged for help after her man suddenly started acting indifferent after an amazing s*x experience.
First we were friends, then we were lovers having amazing s*x – but now we do not speak at all and he’s blocked me on all social media. I can’t work out what he wants or what I have done wrong. I am not a kid.
I’m a woman of 26 and he is 32. We used to hang out as friends for over a year then one night, after one too many bottles of wine, we had s*x. It was fantastic and straight after he told me he was smitten with me and had told loads of people how he felt. I was shocked.
I had no idea as he’d never given me any reason to think he was into me – but I was happy he felt that way. Days then went by without a word so I texted to tell him I was confused. But I got no reply.

Two months later he finally made contact and apologised, saying he had not acted in the right way and wanted to see me. We met in a local pub to talk and he asked me what I wanted from us being together. I admit I am terrified of rejection and I played it lukewarm. We parted and next thing I heard, he’d got back with his ex-partner of four years.
On my birthday he texted and asked what I was up to and invited himself over. I had not seen him at all for six months at that point. We chatted over old times, watched a film, got close and of course ended up in bed. It was different, but he was lovely — more caring than normal, actually.
I never chase any guy so I just texted him later to say I’d got home OK and waited to hear from him but he never contacted me again. Then today I see he’s blocked me from messaging him.
I am absolutely gutted. It seems so final and such an immature way for a guy in his thirties to behave.