Mixed reactions continue to trail the sexual exploits of Nigeria's female representative in Big Brother The Chase, Beverly Osu.
While some are castigating her for bringing shame to the country by indulging in public sexual activity with the South African, Angelo, others have defended her by saying she is not representing Nigeria at the show but herself and that she has the right to do whatever she likes with her own body. But it has been more of public outrage over her sexual escapades in the Big Brother House.
Most of the outrage have been online where she was severely vilified, not that she gives a damn as she continues to do what pleases her in BBTC, smoking, engaging in sexual activity and disclosing shocking information about herself like she once had an abortion and that she sleeps with men for money to take care
of her family.
A top celebrity who has jumped to her defence is Uti Nwachukwu who is a former BBA participant himself and actually won the 2010 edition. Some have questioned Uti's defence of her, basing their stance on the fact that he refused to quit the show and come home when he heard of his father's death. Nonetheless, Uti is solidly behind Beverly and whatever she does in the House.

According to him, it is not easy for someone who is sexually active to be celibate for three months. He ended by begging people to please go easy on her as it is not easy to do without sex in BBA. Popular movie producer Charles Novia however took her to the cleaners, saying her brazen sexual behavior is not an indictment of just her, but Nigeria as well, and that her submission to the South African Angelo's sexual advances actually means that South Africa is superior to Nigeria.
Yet an online reaction to Novia's lambasting of Osu warned the celebrated movie producer to lay off her case. The reaction stated that BBA is meant to unite Africa and that narrow-mindedness over Osu's public sexual behaviour is the reason Africa is still backward in terms of development and liberty. Some reactions hope for Osu's elimination from The Chase. She is however waxing stronger there. A reaction questioned why people are condemning her when they are not feeding her.
Yet another reaction warned people not to judge her because they are not without sin themselves. But while those defending her or who are neutral about her actions have been very logical and convincing in their arguments, those against her just throw caution to the winds in trying to bring her down.
But as Novia himself acknowledges, she might return to Nigeria to sign a lucrative endorsement or endorsements and become a highly demanded A-list celebrity whether or not she wins The Chase. Will that be the case? And what will happen when she does return to the country? That is the next phase in the life of Beverly Ada Osu, video vixen and model, that everyone, friend and foe alike, is eagerly anticipating.

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