A former “Yahoo” boy who is now an Evangelist has confessed all his sins -revealing shocking details in the process. In an interview on Hitz FM in Accra, Ghana Mike Zigha narrated who and how he was initiated into the evil act and the number of people he killed. Listen to audio below;
The man who is now an evangelist was on Hitz FM’s This Is Gospel (TIG) show hosted by Franky5 and during the long chat, he made several shocking revelations.
Mike Zigha after telling the world how he was admitted into the obscure society continued that he killed countless people through different means because the spirit kept changing how it needed the sacrifices.

Narrating how he renewed his vows, he disclosed that most ladies he slept with died days after their encounter. He added that it got to a time he had to let his bodyguards go round picking pads, which had menses for his ritual. These innocent ladies whose menses were used he said died few days after the sacrifice.
Not only that, Mike Zigha told Franky5, host of the show that he was tasked to swallow snake. He also disclosed that he had to help some popular men of God to also join the evil world.
Mr. Zigha continued that he decided to leave everything behind when he realised all his friends he started the evil act with were dying giving him a sign that his time was due.
Saying goodbye to the occult world was another horror for Mike Zigha.
The audio below was recorded in a Ghanaian dialect;